We really want to go an extra step with our teaching

For every class, our teachers will record a video regarding what students have learnt from their class. We would like to share the reasons why we record those videos. The main reason is that we believe that students can do revision by watching those videos when they are at home and it could help make a deeper impression on the students. Eventually, the abilities of the students will be boosted.
Reasons on Video Recording
There are several reasons why we record videos for all classes. First of all, we would like to teach the main learning points of every class by videos and help students strengthen their abilities. We believe that it would be easier for the students to remember what they have learnt from their classes by doing revision repeatedly. Second, every video will point out Learning Focus of every class accompanied by Learning Aids. Therefore, if they watch our videos when they are doing revision at home, the videos will be a character similar to our teachers and point out what they need to pay more attention to. Last but not least, we could provide students with more detailed learning content as the classes are only an hour long.

Tailor Class Material Weekly
The learning materials provided to every class are customised. The content of the materials is close to what schools’ classes include. Our teachers will teach students with those customised learning materials and help solve difficulties the students’ have in understanding the content. Students are encouraged to ask what they do not understand in class and our teachers will also observe the strengths and weaknesses of the students. Last but not least, we aim at helping the students master Learning Focus with customised learning materials and improve the abilities of the students .