Overseas Education Solutions For Your Total Success

加拿大多倫多 Toronto Canada
菲爾斯通學校 Fieldstone School
高中9年級至12年級 Grade 9 - 12
簡介 Introduction
Fieldstone提供獨特的課程,將劍橋IGCSE和A Level與安大略教學課程架構結合。安大略中學文憑和傑出的劍橋課程架構結合,使學生能夠快速開始了解熟悉大學課程。
Fieldstone旨在將學生擁有以下特質 -
自信 - 有自信處理及分析資訊和想法 - 不論是你自己或其他人的; 熱衷於以有結構,批判和分析的方式去探索和評估不同觀點和論點; 能夠流暢溝通和堅持自己的觀點和意見,同時能夠尊重別人的。
創新 及接受新的挑戰 - 能夠有條理,創意和富有想像力地迎接及解決這些新挑戰; 能夠運用知識來解決新的和自己本來不熟悉的問題; 能夠靈活地適應到需要使用新思維方式的情況。
投入 於學術和社交上 - 體現探究的精神,熱衷於學習新技能和接受新思想; 能夠獨立工作學習,但同時也能與其他人合作; 將來能夠有建設地參與到社會和經濟 - 不論範圍是本地,國家或全球。
責任 - 自己去控制及掌握你的學習,設定目標並堅持學習; 能夠對自己及他人協作和支持; 了解你的行為會對其他人產生的影響; 認識不同的文化,背景和社會的重要性及欣賞它們。
Fieldstone' s courses are designed to provide a wide range of knowledge, having a complete and comprehensive set of academic, complementary and pre-university courses. Fieldstone is also the only school in Canada that is officially authorized to have a “core knowledge” course. Fieldstone emphasises cultivating students' learning, social and organizational skills so that they can get into their favourite university and build a good and stable foundation for the progression to university.
Fieldstone offers a unique curriculum blending Cambridge IGCSE and A Levels with Ontario courses.
The combination of an Ontario Secondary School Diploma and distinguished Cambridge qualifications gives students a jump start to their university studies.
Fieldstone aims at helping students be -
CONFIDENT in working with information and ideas - your own and those of others; keen to explore and evaluate ideas and arguments in a structured, critical and analytical way; able to communicate and defend your own views and opinions as well as respect those of others.
INNOVATIVE and welcoming of new challenges - able to meet these resourcefully, creatively and imaginatively; capable of applying knowledge and understanding to solve new and unfamiliar problems; able to adapt flexibly to new situations requiring new ways of thinking.
ENGAGED intellectually and socially - embodying a spirit of enquiry, keen to learn new skills and receptive to new ideas; able to work well independently but also with others; equipped to participate constructively in society and in the economy - locally, nationally and globally.
RESPONSIBLE for yourself - take ownership of your learning, setting targets and insisting on intellectual integrity; collaborative and supportive; understanding that your actions have impacts on others; appreciating the importance of culture, context and community.
REFLECTIVE as a learner and concerned with the processes as well as the products of your learning; able to develop the awareness and strategies to be lifelong learners.
提供科目 Courses Offered
Fieldstone的商學課程教授學生在集中了最多精英的大學商學課程中取得成功所需的技能及知識,旨在令學生 充分認識各種類型的企業及它們在社會中的作用。
- DECA商學比賽
Fieldstone 學生會在區內和省內與其他學校競爭比賽。比賽類別包括營銷,酒店和旅遊,商業管理,會計 和商業。
- Stock Market Simulation Competition 模擬股票市場比賽
學生在建立股票投資組合時,需要應用到他們的對股票市場的知識,然後他們會與來自同省各地的學生進 行比賽,組合出最多利益的投資組合。
- CPA and Capital Marketing Guest Speakers 與專業人士會面
- Dragons Den Competitions 發展企業比賽
Business Studies
Fieldstone' s business course teaches students the skills they need to be successful in the most elite business programmes. It is designed to complement each other students a coherent understanding of business and its role in society.
School-wide business events help students to consolidate their learning and showcase their skills.
Fieldstone students compete at both Regional and Provincial levels against other schools. Competition categories include marketing, hospitality and tourism, business management, accounting and entrepreneurship.
- Stock Market Simulation Competition
Students apply their business knowledge while assembling a stock portfolio. They then compete against their peers and students from all over Ontario for the highest portfolio valuation.
- CPA and Capital Marketing Guest Speakers
Students meet with business professional to get the inside scoop of what it is like to work in an urban financial hub.
- Dragons Den Competitions
Fieldstone students compete with each other for investment money offered by Fieldstone administration to support their business ventures.
Fieldstone的數學課程旨在為學生建立數學上穩固的基礎。學生將會學習到A Level考試包括的進階數學概念和應用。
- Tutorials for Support and Enrichment 課後支援及精研班
- Advanced Standing 優先認可學歷入讀
- Top School in Canada 加拿大頂尖學校
根據滑鐵盧大學( University of Waterloo ) 數學比賽的結果,Fieldstone一直位居全國前100名學校之列。
Fieldstone’s math courses are designed to provide a strong foundation in mathematics. Students learn the advanced concepts and applications that will prepare them for A Level Examinations.
- Tutorials for Support and Enrichment
From Monday to Thursday, our math teachers provide small group to 1-on-1 support in after-school tutorials.
- Advanced Standing
Students who successfully complete our Cambridge math programme qualify for university credits and advanced standing in their university programmes.
- Top School in Canada
Fieldstone consistently tanks within the top 100 schools according to the University of Waterloo mathematics competition results.
Science 科學
- Laboratory Examinations 實驗室實驗
實驗室技能是我們科學課程的核心。 學生會預早學習劍橋實驗室技能及課題,並完成後繼續學習其他技能。
- Science Olympics 科學奧林匹克比賽
Fieldstone學生在安大略省各大學參加科學奧林匹克比賽。學生Misha Dubrovsky在多倫多大學的科學奧林匹克比賽中名列第二,並為學校贏得了1,600美元的科學設備。
Fieldstone’s science programme teaches students the hands-on practical skills they need to develop a deep appreciation and understanding of scientific concepts.
- Laboratory Examinations
Skills in the laboratory are central to our science programme. Students learn laboratory skills as early as Cambridge Primary and continue to develop these as they progress through our programme.
- Science Olympics
Fieldstone students compete in Science Olympics at universities all over Ontario. Misha Dubrovsky placed second in the University of Toronto’s Science Olympics and won $1,600 in science equipment for the school.
Drama classes not only provide students with an appreciation and familiarity with theatre history, texts and conventions, but also engage students with opportunities to understand and experiment with applied drama and to see the way in which drama can enable them to become more empathetic global citizens.
A comprehensive education in music significantly enhances the overall creative and academic development of our students. Students can choose from several different instruments within our fully-equipped music room. They learn skills and individual discipline through intensive practice, rehearsal and critical reflection in small and medium-sized ensembles. They also receive weekly private or semi-private instruction during tutorials to develop superior skills on their given instruments.
全面的音樂教育會顯著提升學生的整體創造力和學術發展。學生可以在設備齊全的音樂室內選擇幾種不同的樂器。 他們通過中小型樂團的密集練習,排練和批判性反思來學習技能和改善個人紀律。 他們還在學習期間每星期接受私人或半私人指導,以發展他們的卓越技能。
Visual Arts
Fieldstone Visual Arts courses are designed to encourage students to collaborate and experiment with a variety of media. This helps them to understand how to apply techniques in creative and effective ways. Our facilities include a wide range of materials an tools for use in acrylic and watercolour painting, screen-printing, sculpture, digital media and much more.
Creative students may also be interested in our Communications Technology programme, which instructs
students in graphic design, photography, stop-motion animation, film and website design.
Fieldstone視覺藝術課程旨在鼓勵學生創作各種藝術媒體的作品,有助於他們了解如何有創意的同時有效地應用到技術。 我們的設施包括各種材料,用於丙烯酸和水彩畫,絲網印刷,雕塑,數字媒體等工具。
課外活動 Outside Classroom

大學準備 University Preparation

All Fieldstone students are given the support to achieve their potential and have the opportunity to build a
competitive university application. Graduates from Fieldstone are highly valued and are accepted every year to prestigious universities in Canada, the US and beyond.
Career Planning
Fieldstone uses Career Cruising (an internet-based planning tool) to help students identify their strengths and
interests. Through building personal portfolios, students are able to make educated decisions about which
careers best suit them and what courses they should take to prepare for these vocations.
Self-Management Mentorship
Through our Mentorship Programme, each student is assigned to a mentor group. These groups work on the
following self-management skills:
Time management
Career preparation
Post-secondary planning
It is important to us that Fieldstone students learn the skills they need not only for success here on campus,
but also for their post-secondary pursuits.
Quarterly Student Reports
Fieldstone provides parents with progress reports in addition to midterm and final reports. Parents also receive
weekly updates (Friday Files) from Fieldstone, ensuring that they remain aware of the busy and exciting life of
the school and that concerns are addressed as soon as possible.
費用 Fees
報名及手續費 (不設退還)
$250 加幣
$24,755 加幣/每年
$770 加幣/每年
$600 加幣 (9-11年級)
$800 加幣 (12年級)
$15,250 加幣/ 10個月
$1,500 加幣 /每年
$584 加幣/ 12個月
$150 加幣 /每程
學生感受 Testimonials
Fieldstone為學生提供一年一度的體驗式學習活動。 在此期間,學校將舉行有關社區服務、冒險、體育活動和團隊建立元素結合的旅行,以促進身心發展和社區聯繫。
Fieldstone邀請學生加入各種學會,使他們能夠發展出新技能,與學生建立緊密關係並獲得廣泛經驗,令他們的大學申請表令人印象深刻。 熱門學會包括生態學會,編程學會,吉他學會和風紀學會(學生會)。
我們的學生有很多機會“在路上”學習 - 參加令人興奮又有教育意義的實地考察,在多倫多和更遠的地方考察。無論是參觀多倫多市政廳還是哥斯達黎加在參與建立學校過程,我們的學生都重視這些增長自己知識和探索的難得機會。
Horizons Week
Fieldstone offers students an annual work of experiential learning. During that time, the school organizes group
trips that combine community service with adventure, physical activity and team-building to promote character development and community bonding.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
This international award for young people operates in 140 countries. Through Fieldstone’s engaging and exciting co-curricular programmes, students work on the four components of the award: community service, skill-building, fitness and adventure.
Student Clubs
Fieldstone invites students to join a wide variety of clubs, enabling them to develop new skills, bond with their
peers and gain experience that can help them to build impressive university applications. Popular clubs in the
past included Eco Club, Programming, Guitar and Prefects (student government).
Field Trips
Our students enjoy many opportunities to take their learning “on the road” - participating in exciting educational
travel both within Toronto and further afield. Whether visiting Toronto’s City Hall or building a school in
Costa Rica, our students value these exceptional opportunities for growth and exploration.
Indoor and Outdoor Sports
Fieldstone has over six acres of outdoor fields and indoor gymnasium. Between physical education classes, team practice and after school open gym, students have countless opportunities to enjoy physical activity at

Chris, Hong Kong
I have studied at Fieldstone for three years. During my time at Fieldstone, I realized I had a great interest in Math and Science. I also had an opportunity to study with Canadian Students which helped me improve my English.
Fieldstone has been a great school for me. The teachers are extremely supportive, and the small classes are the right learning environment. I will miss Fieldstone however I can’t wait for the challenges ahead at university.
我在Fieldstone上學已有三年。 在Fieldstone期間,我意識到原來我對數學和科學很感興趣。 我還有機會和加拿大學生一起學習,這有助於我提高英語水平。
Fieldstone對我來說是一間很棒的學校。 老師們非常支持學生,小班教學亦是非常理常的學習環境。 我會想念Fieldstone,但我同時也非常期待在大學內迎接新挑戰。

Jasmine, USA
I have so many wonderful memories from all the years that I have attended Fieldstone. I remember traveling to Washington, Boston and Quebec for the Horizons trip. I also enjoyed attending the Semi-formals and dissecting animals and their organs in Biology class.
Fieldstone has provided me with plenty of helpful and personalized information and conversations regarding universities and their application process. The amazingly dedicated teachers helped me perform to the best of my abilities.
我在Fieldstone上學的這些年內,我有很多美好的回憶。 我記得去了華盛頓,波士頓和魁北克參觀。我也喜歡參加生物學課程中的解剖動物及其器官。
Fieldstone為我提供了大量有關大學及申請流程的有用和針對我個人的資訊。 我的老師都非常敬業專業,幫助我盡我最大的能力去申請我有興趣的大學。