Overseas Education Solutions For Your Total Success

澳大利亞昆士蘭 Queensland, Australia
坎特伯雷學院 Canterbury College
初中7年級至9年級 Middle School Year 7 - 9
簡介 Introduction
Canterbury College’s Middle School lays the platform for students’ to learn and enhance skills required to be successful in future learning. At Canterbury, they pride ourselves on an excellent academic program, which caters to the needs of all students. Throughout Middle School, our students are encouraged to become independent learners, discovering where their talents and interests lie in preparation for future endeavours.
Middle School at Canterbury is “student centred”, with high expectations and a determination to ensure all learners are supported to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active informed citizens. The academic program is underpinned by activities, excursions and a rich and diverse selection of extracurricular activities in sport, the arts and a range of clubs.
Teachers forge strong professional relationships with their students and are committed to success for every child in their care. The College encourages parents to maintain open and regular communication with staff in person, via the student diary, telephone and email.
提供科目 Courses Provided
商業教育,舞蹈,電子科技,戲劇,進階英語,進階數學,進階科學,室內設計證書I 和數碼圖樣設計
In Years 7 and 8, students undertake four Core subjects:
English, Maths, Science, and Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE),
and have access to a wide range of other subjects. These include: Spiritual Development, Health and Physical Education (HPE), Industrial Technology and Design, Visual Art, Food and Textile Studies, Languages and Music.
In Year 9, students may choose electives from the following options:
Business Education, Dance, Digital Technology, Drama, Extension English, Extension Mathematics, Extension Science, Furnishing Certificate I and Graphics.
每年級簡介 Introduction of Each Year

為了支持這一點,學生會參加角色建設海灘奧運日(Character Builders Beach Olympics Day),他們會參加一系列旨在建立團隊精神的活動。 當學生前往Mount Tamborine參加Kokoda Character Builders遊覽時,他們會參加到更多更深層的團隊建設活動。
7年級學生還會與Good Shepherd計劃的11年級學生密切合作。 在這個計劃期間,11年級學生會與7年級的學生一起帶領活動 - 重點是建立信任,信心和適應力。
Year 7
For students entering Middle School, it is a time of transition and excitement.
Canterbury College celebrates that transition and the opportunity for new friendships and more independence by focusing on relationships between students, particularly in the first weeks of the year.
To support this, students attend a Character Builders Beach Olympics day, where they participate in a range of activities designed to build team spirit. The team building activities are further developed when students travel to Mount Tamborine to take part in the Kokoda Character Builders excursion.
These days are designed to ensure students feel comfortable and reassured in their transition into Middle School, form positive relationships with peers and teachers and enhance their own confidence.
Year 7 students also work closely with Year 11 on the Good Shepherd program. During this program Year 11 students lead activities with Year 7 – again, focused on building trust, confidence and resilience.

Year 8
Students at this age want to learn about things that interest them, to take on the world around them as they face challenges. This is a time when students are establishing their own identity.
The Year 8 program exposes students to various opportunities to grow and build resilience and responsibility. All programs encompass knowledge, skills and behaviours that will assist students to live and work successfully in the twenty-first century.
Students start the year with a camp filled with activities based around the ANZAC traditions of mateship, perseverance and sacrifice, and feature physically and mentally challenging activities, designed to build friendships, focus, and provide a powerful start to the year.
All students participate in the Year 8 Retreat, Medieval Day, Canterbury Idol, and a range of activities preparing them to be Middle School leaders. During Term 4, nominations are called for Year 9 leadership positions based on the College values of Integrity, Respect, Compassion, Scholarship, Social and Environmental Responsibility and Community.
To cement skills learnt, students have opportunities to represent Canterbury College in many areas including academic, cultural and sporting competitions.

學校專業團隊與校外組織合作,規劃他們的計劃和"展覽日"。 9年級學生會為"展覽日"努力工作準備,向其他同學和社區展示及介紹最近熱門社會話題。
此外 - 在9年級期間,學生會有很多時間去討論關於高中的事宜,確保每個學生都有能力應對由初中到高中的過渡期。
Year 9
Throughout Year 9, there is a strong focus on community, services and preparation for the challenges and increased independence of Senior School.
The central project for Year 9 students, which underpins the Canterbury College Charter of Values is the Community in Action project. This is a year-long project which shows students that the actions of one have the power to make change.
Project teams liaise with external organisations to plan their strategy, and the Exhibition Day. Year 9 students work hard on Exhibition Day to showcase their educational exhibit to peers and the community about a current issue.
It is designed to encourage students to be critical and creative, work as a team, build personal and social capability and increase ethical understanding. The project is part of our pastoral care program and is an excellent preparation for future learning.
The Year 9 Dance is always a great experience where students showcase dance choreography they have been learning in HPE. Towards the end of the year, they also have their Year 9 graduation, a fun and emotion-filled event.
In addition — during Year 9, there is much time invested in discussion about the transition to Senior School, ensuring each student is equipped to deal with the transition.
額外計劃 Extra Programs

"社交和情感學習" 融入學院提供的所有課程 - 學術和牧師方面。涵蓋的領域包括自我管理,自我意識,社會管理和社會意識。
7年級 - 建立關係
8年級 - 發現自己的優勢強項
9年級 - 社區行動
Wellbeing Program
At Canterbury College, we know that relationships matter. Relationships include ensuring that all College members practise grace, forgiveness, self-discipline, and moral courage.
This understanding helps to provide a happy and secure place designed to ensure our students’ wellbeing is looked after.
Social and Emotion Learning is being integrated into all programs offered at the College – academic and pastoral. Areas covered include self-management, self-awareness, social management and social awareness.
When students develop their skills in any one of these elements, it leads to greater overall personal and social capability, and also enhances skills in other areas.
Pastoral Care is strong throughout all years at Canterbury College. Each year our pastoral care program has a main focus:
Year 7 – Making Connections
Year 8 – Discovering their Strengths
Year 9 – A Community in Action
Middle School students have access to a variety of experienced and caring staff who can assist them in challenging times.
費用 Fees
$22,105 澳元/ 每年
$260 澳元
$775 澳元
$930 澳元
$485 澳元/ 每年
$ 950 澳元
$ 620 澳元/ 每年
$ 260 澳元
$15,821 澳元/ 每年
$330 澳元
$550 澳元
$300 澳元
$130-230 澳元/ 每程
$620 澳元/ 每年
# 最終費用以學校公佈為準
學生感受 Testimonials

Sally, UK
I love Canterbury College because Canterbury College’s international student support is excellent. My friends at Canterbury College are friendly and very helpful. My teachers are always so helpful. They help me a lot with my academic work. I wish I could go to an Australian university in the future, after I graduate from Canterbury College. I want to study medicine. I am happy to have come to Canterbury College.
我喜歡坎特伯雷學院因為坎特伯雷學院提供的國際學生支援非常好。 我在坎特伯雷學院的朋友很友善,而且非常樂於助人。 我的老師經常幫助我, 他們在我的學術上幫助了我很多。 我希望畢業後,我可以就讀澳大利亞的大學。我想學習醫學。我很高興來到坎特伯雷學院上學。

Justin, Hong Kong
I absolutely love it here. The teachers are very helpful and funny and whenever you have a question you can just go ask them and they’re willing to help all the time. I really like the environment in our school. It’s lovely to study here. After graduation, I would like to become a teacher just like the teachers here, to help students achieve their goals and improve their grades. Thank you so much Canterbury College for giving me such a wonderful opportunity and so many amazing teachers.
我非常喜歡這裡。老師都非常樂於助人和有趣,每當你有問題時,你都可以去問他們,他們都願意一直幫你。 我非常喜歡我們學校的環境。畢業後,我想像這裡的老師一樣成為一名老師,幫助學生實現目標,提升成績。 我非常感謝坎特伯雷學院為我提供了這麼好的機會和眾多優秀的老師。