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2013 lesson 4

University of Cambridge
Veterinary Science Summer Camp

13-15  /  16-18   years old

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Introduction & Fees

  • Veterinary medicine is a rewarding but challenging profession, and university courses in this area are competitive and require dedication and hard work for both admission and completion.

  • Our summer program gives budding Veterinarians the chance to experience many aspects of studying this subject, and offers a hands-on experience of some of the skills needed for veterinary training.

  • Give you the edge when applying for the field of Vet Science with hands-on experience, critical thinking and skills, and invaluable guidance and insider tip with your university application

  • Visits and observations in the field of vet science with excursions and field trips specially designed to introduce you to this faculty, meet  practicing professionals, acclaimed professors, and lecturers that will give you advice, answer your questions, and open your eyes to its daily practice

  • Located at University of  Cambridge: students can experience with hands on practice of Veterinary Science at a prestigious university

  • Plan ahead:  The programme will offer a practical insight into studying Veterinary Science, and will offer support to students thinking of taking steps towards a veterinary career.

  • Engage in practical skills workshops, using real training equipment 

  • This practical experience is often invaluable, giving you a key edge over other applicants

  • Suitable for students between 13-15 years old (Introduction to Veterinary Science), 16-18 years old ( Veterinary Science school Preparation)

  • Time: 2 weeks, 2019 dates:

June 30th-July 13th
July 14th-July 27th

Fee: $26500 HKD/week, including:

  • Veterinary science tuition

  • Afternoon extracurricular activities and night time team games

  • 1 day of excursions

  • School boarding and 3 meals

  • Transportation and pick up to and from Heathrow airport on Sundays

  • School books and study materials

$500 HKD application fee for:

  • Completion of all registration forms ​required by the University of Cambridge

  • Completion of all forms required by the government of home and host country (additional fees as per home country for issuance of UK visa if your passport carrying country is not visa fee)

  • Issuance of school letter, enrollment letter, place of accommodation letter, and confirmation of care of minor letter in the United Kingdom as required by the Immigration of the United Kingdom

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Accommodation & Meals

  • Forge friendships with like-minded and academically motivated young people interested in the same field

  • Formal end of summer graduation party

  • Boarding school with 24 hours live-in staff supervision

  • Accommodated in comfortable single or twin rooms of same gender

  • Dedicated team of program directors and counsellors to ensure that students are looked after pastorally, culturally and socially during their programme 24 hours a day


Tuition & Activities

  • Achieve a head start on the road to Vet school;  gained a head-start in this competitive field by being introduced to key veterinary concepts and skills

  • A blend of theoretical study of veterinary science and animal anatomy, along with practical workshops

  • 20 hours  Veterinary tuition per week

  • Small class size of 15 students

  • Insight into daily life in the veterinary profession

  • Practical hands on workshop and training, teaching you how to perform basic veterinary procedures

  • Developed critical reasoning and thinking skills through real-world case studies

  • A basic understanding of issues around animal rights, welfare, and ethics surrounding clinical practice

  • To further enhance the abroad experience, guest lecturers from different fields of specialization will share and speak with students

  • Talks and debates with world-class guest speakers

  • We include fun excursions and field trips for students to visit famous tourist sites in England

  • Extensive selection of cultural programs

  • Report card, Certificate of studies, and graduation ceremony at the end of your stay

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Introduction to Vet Science:
 13-15 years old


Key Aims : to provide students with an early insight into life as a Vet and to give them a head start in the knowledge required to pursue this career.

The Introduction to Veterinary Science course is aimed at students with an interest in Veterinary Science, who may be considering the future possibility of studying a veterinary course at university. The programme will offer a practical insight into studying Veterinary Science, and will offer support to students thinking of taking steps towards a veterinary career.


The course will feature a blend of theoretical study of veterinary science and animal anatomy, along with practical workshops, which allow you to build a base level of relevant veterinary science knowledge. These enjoyable but informative workshops introduce you to the kind of tasks you might learn as a future veterinary student, as well as giving you a flavour of the jobs you might one day do if you pursue a career in veterinary medicine. You will also spend some time considering issues of ethics and animal welfare in veterinary practice.


By the end of this course, students will have:

  • Gained an insight into this popular field by being introduced to key veterinary concepts and skills

  • An understanding of the requirements of veterinary courses at universities;

  • Developed their critical reasoning and thinking skills through real-world case studies

  • An insight into daily life in the veterinary profession

  • An understanding of issues around animal rights, welfare, and ethics surrounding clinical practice

  • Gained a head start on the road to Veterinary school


Click HERE for Sample weekly timetable plus, excursions, and extracurricular activities options (for reference only)  

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 Veterinary Science School Preparation:
16-18 years old

The Veterinary Science Programme is aimed at students considering studying Veterinary Science or Veterinary Medicine at a University. The course will offer a practical insight into studying Veterinary Science at higher education level, and will offer support to students thinking of making an application to study in the UK, Australia, USA, and elsewhere.


The course will feature a blend of theoretical study of veterinary science and animal anatomy, along with practical workshops, which teach you how to perform basic veterinary procedures. These enjoyable but informative workshops introduce you to the kind of tasks you’ll learn as a veterinary student, as well as giving you a flavour of the jobs you would one day do if you pursue a career in veterinary medicine. What’s more, you’ll spend some time considering, in debate with your fellow students, the ethical problems that can arise when studying or practising veterinary medicine.

By the end of the course students will have:

  • Gained a head-start in this competitive field by being introduced to key veterinary concepts and skills

  • An understanding of the requirements of the application procedure for veterinary courses at Universities

  • Developed their critical reasoning and thinking skills through real-world case studies

  • An insight into the current issues and challenges in the veterinary profession and resolutions

  • Gained confidence in discussion of issues around animal rights, welfare, and ethics surrounding clinical practice

Click HERE for Sample weekly timetable plus, excursions, and extracurricular activities options (for reference only)


I met many different people during my first two weeks at Cambridge, of different cultures and backgrounds while participating in the Medical camp.  That was last year, and I wanted to return again this summer because I took away so much from my last summer program.  This is the first time Oxford has a niche program specifically focused on Vet science, and it makes me want to return even more!  From last year, I took away a lot of new skills and understanding in the medical field, and I hope this year, I can find a specific discipline that truly inspire me for a lifelong career in the future.

Sara, Greece


It is the perfect place for me to go, I always have a passion for English culture and the experiences are very different than those back home.  I decided to return because I fell in love with Oxford, the gardens, the old buildings, the good books, the teachers, the friends i made, it has really broaden my horizon.

Last year, I took the STEM program and this year, I want to try something different, more specialized because i am older now.  I have decided to join the Vet science program because I do notice the treatment of animals are a little bit different in Indonesia, and we really have a shortage of vets to take care of all the animals.  Perhaps this summer camp will inspire me and direct me in the right path for my future career. 

Mifta, Indonesia


I want to be a cinematographer, which is the person who controls everything that goes on behind the camera.  That's the program I took at Oxford summer camp last year, and I took away so much during my gap year.  Back home in New Jersey, I also volunteer at an animal shelter, which is another passion of mine.  This is my first year in University and I am still unsure of which route to follow.  Perhaps after enrolling in the new summer program of Vet science offered at the University of Cambridge, it will give me a more clear picture of being a cinematographer or a Veterinary. 

Rebecca, USA

4 simple steps to enroll & confirm your registration​

1. Select Camps & Dates

2. Upload Passport for Application

3. Confirmation & Payment

4. All Documentations Processed


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